Growing up in North London I was a shy child. Being made to stand up, perform or display was the worst thing that could happen in a day. This resulted in a hate of “performance” lessons such as drama, music, english literature and art.
My father worked in the press so I was used to seeing just about every newspaper every day and grew up being inspired by the photography in Sunday supplements as well as Life Magazine and National Geographic. It not really a surprise then that my artistic output was expressed by hiding behind a camera from quite a young age, experimenting with composition, still life and in my own darkroom.
My fascination with inland water and then the sea started with my introduction to sailing in my early teens. At that point all I wanted to do was be on the water.
Moving from London to Sussex in my late teens along with a pet dog started a love affair with the countryside and being in the open. Relationships and family curtailed my sailing but my love of the outdoors remained. During this period I started drawing and painting when walking outdoors in addition to the landscape photography I was practising..
Becoming single at 40, I moved as close as I could to the sea where my fascination with the water, its colours and shapes grew. My day job as a photographer (of people) honed my “seeing” skills and interest in how people interact the others as well as the world around them.
It’s only as we approach later stages in life that we become confident in who we are, maybe making changes to realise this and build the emotional confidence to withstand the criticism that surely entails from showing our real selves. Therefore it is only in the past couple of years that I have started showing my art to others, finally gaining the confidence to show it, discuss it and if people wish to purchase, sell it.
Why not take a look at my Instagram feed, it shows works in progress (including very rough sketches), works being created and finished works. Maybe follow me to learn more about me and my work.